The Google Ads panel in conjunction with Google Analytics and YouTube Analytics gives you wide possibilities of measuring campaign data. When running a video campaign on YouTube, the advertiser can monitor, among others:
– number of views,
– average cost of watching the
– daily (or generated in another,
selected time period) advertising cost,
– the number and type of conversions,
– cost of conversion,
– video playback percentage,
– activity earned, i.e. likes,
shares, subscriptions, etc.
In the case of television, viewership is determined by telemetry. Telemetry surveys are statistical surveys carried out on the basis of a panel, i.e. a group of recipients representing e.g. the entire population of a given country. In order for the panel to be reliable, it must properly reflect the structure of the society it presents, and must also have the appropriate amount of data. According to, telemetry tests in the world are carried out on a group of 2,000-10,000 households.
A tycoon on the television research market on its website informs that it is able to obtain data on viewers, the channels they watch, as well as on the time of watching television. As part of the available viewing rates, it provides information on:
– television audience behavior,
– demographic characteristics of
– programs watched by individual
members of the household,
– programs watched jointly by all
family members,
– family attributes, e.g.
possession of pets, income, education and their correlation with television
Certainly, telemetry data are a very valuable source of knowledge about recipients of TV programs and commercials. However, they are statistical data, obtained on the basis of a small group of recipients, and in addition they do not present such specific details that can be obtained from online advertising. For TV ads, it’s difficult to get data on the cost of a single interaction or the number of conversions that an ad generated. By promoting their products or services on YouTube, advertisers, however, have significantly more access to data on the effectiveness of promo videos and the behavior of viewers watching videos.
Online advertising fees are usually based on views (CPV) or per thousand impressions (CPM), not on broadcast time (as with TV advertising). The unit costs of online advertising usually range from a few to several cents per interaction, thanks to which, even with a very limited budget, the advertiser can display their promotional video on the web.
With a limited budget, the additional advantage is the ability to target specific, small audiences and the fact that you can choose specific periods of video display.
In the case of online advertising, the viewing rates are not so dependent on the duration of the spots, and even if they increased at a certain point in time, the advertiser always has access to such data. Thanks to statistics, the advertiser has full control over the daily budget of the campaign, which allows him to decide how much exactly he wants to invest in the promotion. Additionally, it can track expenses on an ongoing basis and decide at any time whether to continue or suspend the display of its campaign.
Google Ads offers many types of ad targeting. Audience
groups can be created based on:
– demographics
– interests,
– life plans and events,
– destinations visited by internet
– topics of pages, channels, mobiles
– keywords
related to the content
of pages, channels and mobiles applications,
– devices used by network users.
and combine the above mentioned options.
Television advertising – due to the fact that it is tested telemetrically based on a specific panel of recipients – will never be as well tailored to a specific recipient as online advertising. Unfortunately, television does not allow to narrow down the target audience as precisely as Google Ads allows. Equally important, the television does not have the remarketing option – therefore, it will not be possible to return there with a re-advertising message only to those recipients who were thinking about buying, but resigned from it at the last moment (e.g. they left the shopping cart).
Online advertising allows Internet users to easily and quickly interact when they are interested in a product or service being promoted. When watching an advertising spot on the web, an Internet user has several different options at their disposal:
– watching the entire advertising film,
– clicking on the call to action to
go to the advertiser’s website and get more information or to convert directly,
– movie likes
– entering the advertiser’s channel
and watching other available materials,
– subscribing to the advertiser’s
– making the advertising film
available to other people,
– temporarily pausing the ad,
– as a last resort and if you are
not interested in advertising – skip it.
In the vast majority of cases, interaction with online advertising does not require the use of a device other than that on which the ad is played. Thanks to this option, at the moment of interest in a given product or service, an Internet user can immediately explore the secrets of the offer without wasting neither time nor enthusiasm to reach for a computer or telephones, turn it on and look for the page or name of the product, which in the meantime may have unintentionally disappeared from memory.
In the case of TV ads, it is not possible to interact directly on the advertising medium. To learn more, you need to use a laptop or telephones. Many of you will say that during ads they grab the phones, and therefore at any time can tap the name of the thing that he saw on the glass screen. Truth. But…
According to research carried out by during television advertising blocks, 33% of people using smartphoness browse social networking applications, 21% of these consumers play games, 8% of people use messengers or have traditional telephones conversations, while 6% use them from online shopping applications.
In the case of TV commercials, it is common to distract the viewer and draw his eyes away from the TV screen. Social networking, phones calls and games often win with a glass screen.
Equally important, TV commercials – in view of the fact that they are most often displayed in the form of blocks of several or several minutes, and appear in between programs or during the break of the series – often serve as a moment to move away from the receiver. I guess each of us has happened to wait for an advertisement to brew tea, quickly prepare a sandwich or go to the toilet and not lose a fragment of an interesting film.
And how many of us at the time of the advertising break “jumps” on other channels and checks whether something interesting is going on there, or what is the result of the match that did not interest us enough to watch it in its entirety?
Online advertising campaigns can be built and run by virtually any user who has access to the Internet and has created free Google Ads and YouTube accounts. In addition, there are a lot of guides on the network on how to create and optimize campaigns. The surest source of knowledge, i.e. Google support is in itself a mine of knowledge, good practices and news in the field of online campaigns.
An advertiser wanting to work on his campaign is not dependent on external viewership data providers (as in the case of TV). At any time, he can log into the advertising account and check the effects of the campaign and make necessary changes to it. All statistics are visible in the account, so if there were any anomalies, it can easily catch them.
In addition, all you need to create an online video campaign is a good-quality video on your YouTube channel. In the era of such intense technological development, an advertising spot can be recorded even with a smartphones. Once you have your video ready, simply paste it into the previously created ad group and add the destination URL or ad headline and description depending on the campaign type you choose.
In the case of television advertising, only a professional film is involved, recorded at a significantly higher cost and using a film crew or computer graphic designer. The advertiser cannot optimize the advertising campaign alone, as he has no access to any tools or current data.
Only a few years ago television was the leading carrier of video materials. Due to the intensive development of the Internet and YouTube, the ways of consuming all kinds of film materials are changing rapidly.
According to YouTube analyzes, the viewership of video posted online has been growing not only on mobiles devices, but also TV sets. According to statistics, YouTube has a wider range among young users than traditional television. The overall reach of Google’s video service is constantly growing, and the number of website and application users is increasing from year to year. Same as watching time of available materials. Equally important, many lovers of the glass screen are moving to the online world, because there they can watch programs of their interest at the time they choose, and not when ordered by the schedule.
Accordingly, the online advertising market itself is growing at the expense of the press and television. According to analysts, in 2019 television advertising expenditure was to increase by only 0.6 percent compared to 2018, while expenditure on online advertising was to increase by as much as 11.8 percent (mainly due to the development of video advertising). What’s more, in 2020 the share of television in the global advertising market is to reach 32.6%, which means that the highest place on the podium in this field will fall to the web and its 41.8%. So, does television advertising have a future? Certainly yes, but it appears in increasingly darker colors.