Keywords are queries that a user enters into a search engine – for example on Google – when he searches for something on the Internet. Of course, there are billions of passwords entered into the search engine and new ones appear every day, but there is a large pool of those that are repeated many times – from this group we choose valuable phrases for website positioning.
But one by one: what is it about positioning for specific phrases? When a user enters a specific term into a search engine, the algorithms rank the results for them. It contains the pages that most likely answer the internet user’s question best. The assessment of whether a website should appear high in the search results for a specific keyword is influenced by many factors – including the quality and credibility of the website, the correctness and formatting of texts or links from other websites. However, one of the most important is whether the headings and the texts themselves on the page contain the specific phrase that the user has entered on Google. When it appears, it is a signal to the algorithms that the recipient is likely to find the answer to their question on this site, which makes them rank it high in the results.
The discovery that algorithms take into account key phrases has brought a real plague of texts written exclusively for bots. They were packed with the most searchable keywords, but they were of no value to the user. However, Google quickly put an end to these practices by introducing an algorithm aptly named Panda to the search engine. It was created to promote high-quality websites that provide reliable knowledge and contain original content. From that moment, inserting phrases in each sentence ceased to make sense and today it is necessary to ensure that the optimal number of phrases is included in the text and that they are naturally woven into the sequence of the narrative.
Key phrases can be short – one word – or even a few words. Most often, we divide them into general phrases and long tail phrases, i.e. the so-called long tails.
General phrases are short and – as the name suggests – rather imprecise. They are entered by users who are usually at the beginning of the shopping path, i.e. do not yet have specific expectations as to the service or product. General phrases can be, for example, slogans like “summer dress”, “sneakers” or “car mechanic”. They have a lot of searches on the web, which is why they are often considered the best for website positioning. In fact, this is not always the case, because often the user entering such a phrase is only doing initial research and is not determined to make a transaction.
Long tail phrases are much more complex and quite precise, because they are entered by users who already know what they are looking for. Long tails have fewer searches than general phrases, but are often more effective – because if the Internet user has already formulated his expectations for a product or service, it means that he is most likely ready to decide on them. Long tail phrases are becoming more and more important in website positioning, as the popularity of Voice Search, i.e. voice search, increases every year. This type of search favors the use of longer and natural-sounding search terms, i.e. long tails.
How to choose key phrases? There is no universal way here. It all depends on the type and scale of business, offer, competitors’ activities and many other factors. For example, if we run a hairdressing salon, local phrases will work first, i.e. those that give the name of the city or district in which the establishment is located. Positioning for very general phrases is unnecessary, because the logic requires looking for customers only in the area. Online stores will not use local positioning, but should focus on longer passwords that match their product range. The selection of phrases should therefore always be preceded by a thorough analysis of the industry and competition and the formulation of the goals we want to achieve.
]]>A website is a source of knowledge about our business. Its task is to inform about services or products, communicate transaction rules and provide contact details to the company. Just a few years ago, all goals would be met by a simple website consisting of several tabs. Today, however, the requirements associated with it are much higher – you should take into account trends in the industry and the network, and if you want to reach as many customers as possible – also the requirements of search engines.
How much it costs to make a website depends largely on its expected size and the technologies used. So let’s start by answering a few questions:
A. Size of the website – if you are
planning a website for a small, very local business, all you have to do is
build a simple website that will provide basic information for your customers –
it will tell you about the business, who is behind it and where and at what
times you can use the services. What does “simple
site” mean?
These are several tabs – subpages.
These types of sites are intended for a small number of recipients. By placing the object on the map and adjusting the search to the locations of its user – those interested will easily find a website and gain access to the necessary information.
The site can be based on pure HTML and CSS, without a content management system. However, if you plan to frequently add entries to the news section and be able to change your course offer, for example, it is worth meeting people who are unfamiliar with the code and invest in one of the popular CMS. The simplest solution here is WordPress – popular, intuitive, with the ability to create users with different levels of access to the administration panel. The installation of CMS is, however, associated with higher costs and in the extended time of completion of the website design.
For this type of page, however, you can use alternative solutions – page builders. Google also provides this type of solution. Sites created using these solutions are usually cheap (costs are the subscription of the selected tool and the price of domain maintenance and hosting) and can be done on your own. Website builders have their limitations and creating large websites that have ambitions to storm the first positions in search results may not be very effective.
Websites that are to contain more tabs – e.g. the offer category is to be developed for various types of services, and the site will allow customers to contact the company directly or book visits – it is worth building based on CMS. More subpages require agile administration, and this will definitely be facilitated by the installation of a content management system.
B. Technology – the bigger side is usually the need for more individual solutions. The simplest and cheapest solution is to put a static page, using HTML, CSS and simple JavaScript. How much does it cost to make a simple website? An efficient developer will code and – colloquially speaking – will “put” this type of website within a few days. The cost should also be increased by the work of the graphic designer responsible for creating the website layout and time related to making corrections to the project.
More complicated pages, extended with functionalities allowing for greater interaction with the page – e.g. using forms, creating accounts and logging in, require more advanced solutions. In these cases, the page is most often based on one of the CMS. Again, the most popular solution for medium-sized sites is WordPress, which thanks to the plug-in system can extend a regular website with almost any functionality.
The advantage of popular CMS are easily available documentation and forums, where you can find solutions for virtually any problem. Their definite downside – susceptibility to burglary. Lack of the current version of the system, unchecked plugins and add-ons may be the reason for slamming or hijacking. Therefore, if you choose this type of solution, their additional cost may be updating the version (which does not always go smoothly), and in the worst case … removing the effects of hacking.
Online stores also have a separate price list. Here, several solutions are involved – installing the engine on a server or using software in the Saas model.
Placing the store on your own server is associated with the need to take care not only of its appearance, but above all about security. It is not only about meeting security requirements, but also about the stability of servers, the security of your data and customers and the elimination of errors related to installed extensions. This solution, however, allows full access to the code of the website and full modification in accordance with your own vision.
The online store can also be opened using the offers of companies operating in the SaaS model – Software as a service. By choosing this solution, we sub-rent a cloud fragment and store software in exchange for a monthly fee. There are many companies operating in this system on the market. Each of the brands offers several subscription versions. Its amount depends on, among others on the number of accounts in the administrative panel, integration with other sales channels and wholesalers, the number of products and so on.
The costs associated with placing the store at the start may be smaller – the smallest subscription is around $ 10 / month. This, of course, brings limitations, e.g. the inability to match the appearance of the store’s vision or pasting the codes necessary to run a Google Ads campaign. Fees must be paid monthly, which can be quite painful for the entrepreneur in the event of a worse period.
As mentioned above, making a website takes a few hours of work and graphics.
The list of points in the cost estimate will look like this:
– domain cost,
– hosting cost,
– the cost of creating the page
layout (graphics time),
– cost of coding the website (web
developer time).
The total should be close to about $ 200-300.
These costs can be reduced by using, for example, one of the programs that allows you to create a page yourself. In this case, the main effort will be our time – necessary to choose the program, familiarize yourself with it and build a working website. The cost of domain and hosting will remain the same, you should also add a subscription to them resulting from the use of the wizard – the cheapest start from around $ 5 / month. Note – the use of wizards has its limitations – e.g. a smaller subscription requires you to agree to display ads on our site.
The small site is ideal for businesses that do not have the ambition to dominate search results.
A website, which is to be a tool for acquiring new customers, should meet a whole range of requirements – it should be fast, mobiles and accessible to recipients.
Building this type of site will be more complicated – the number of bookmarks increases and additional functions need to be added. Points that should be included in the cost estimate of such a project are similar to those of a small site, but their height will increase significantly. Depending on the planned functions and the expected traffic on the site, it may be necessary to choose a more expensive option or a dedicated server.
The cost of creating a medium-sized business website also has a CMS chosen. Installing it usually increases the price by around $ 150-300. Added to this are the costs of some solutions that need to be installed into the basic system.
CMS support requires familiarity with its limitations and capabilities. Unless it is planned to employ a separate employee to operate the website, it is worth considering the issue and, for example, adding a point related to the system training in the website contract. It is worth keeping this in mind – simple corrections that you can do yourself in a few minutes, the company will cost you a lot. Self-service of the system also saves time – delegating tasks in this case can postpone their execution for several days.
Note – submission of the page by the web developer is not synonymous with its full preparation for active activities on the Internet. If you start positioning or Google Ads, you may need to make corrections. This does not mean, however, that the “site was bad”, but only not fully adapted to Google’s guidelines. Optimization, however, may involve the need for additional changes, especially if the site is managed by a proprietary CMS system that does not have full documentation on the Internet.
One of the more complex types of websites are certainly online stores. This translates directly into how much it costs to make them. What should be considered?
In addition to basic costs – domain and hosting, there is the cost of the engine. As I mentioned above – its issue can be solved in two ways – by installing open source options or choosing a SaaS solution.
Store prices start at around $ 2-3 thousand and increase depending on the solutions and integration used.
At first glance, it may seem that how much it costs to make a website and store on open source engines is incomparably greater than using the store options in the SaaS model. Subscription allows us to set up a fully functional store, but depending on the height limits the possibility of customizing its appearance and optimization. These types of solutions will not work for large e-commers trading thousands of products. This solution will be appreciated by small companies that do not have financial expenses to build their own sales platform.
The biggest drawback of this type of solutions is the inability to modify the code and make changes, including those that would be required during optimization for running an advertising campaign. Of course, many of them have the option of more advanced customization, but this is an additional cost that the company must take on. Many suppliers of ready stores emphasize the possibility of giving websites a unique look, unfortunately, most projects – especially in lower subscription plans – do not differ much.
SaaS also has its advantages – the responsibility for maintaining the continuity of the correct operation of the site and ensuring data and transaction security, falls on the service provider. In the case of multi-person activities, the delegation of these tasks allows you to focus on creating the product and running the brand.
The cost of placing a store in a SaaS model starts at around $ 15 / month. Prices for more advanced packages start from around $ 70.
]]>The bounce rate also known as bounce rate tells you what actions and behaviors Internet users take on a given page (www subpage). Bounce rate is primarily interested in what percentage of users leave the subpage without performing any action, e.g. switching to a product card, blog, to the next article. The bounce rate is calculated for both the entire site and its individual subpages. Users’ actions that are included in the bounce rate are:
– Closing the card / page / subpage as soon as you enter it,
– Clicking the back button, i.e. back to the
previous page,
– Clicking on the outgoing link,
– Entering a new URL after leaving the page,
– No activity on the site for 30 minutes after
turning it on.
The bounce rate is calculated using the formula. Self-calculation is not the best of ideas, however. To get to know him, it’s best to enter Google Analytics. It will show the bounce rate in different shots, e.g. traffic sources, paid campaigns, country or Internet device type. In Google Analytics, you can check the bounce rate for the entire site, as well as the most popular landing pages.
The amount of bounce rate spends sleep on both website owners and SEO specialists. One of the most common questions is when the rate is too high, how much should it be, and is the bounce rate a situation that requires intervention?
Certainly the high bounce rate is not interesting for the site. It shows that the website or subpage is not interesting, encouraging for Internet users, and most importantly, it does not find the content they were looking for. A high bounce rate is a signal that you need to look at the website and make changes to it. What bounce rate should alarm and encourage corrective action? You definitely need to work on a page if your bounce rate is 80-90% for all sites or key subpages.
So what should be the correct bounce rate? There is no universal answer here. A different result will be a success for each site. Help in determining whether it falls in the “range”: may be the results published by Google, and telling about the average value of bounce rate for individual industries.
However, it is worth remembering that the bounce rate cannot be minimized to zero (if the bounce rate is actually around 0%, it is worth checking if the Google Analytics installation is not incorrect). Even in the case of the best websites, it has a level of 30-40%. It should also be borne in mind that a worthless visit to the website is not always included in the bounce rate. When measuring bounce rate, you always need to consider when you left the site. If, for example, an Internet user left the page after reading the blog article, then, as a rule, it should not be included in the bounce rate, even if then he did not make any other move. It is a desirable and expected action. Therefore, bloggers, news and current affairs websites may have a high bounce rate, despite the content they are interested in.
Therefore, measuring the ratio should be approached with great care. The recommended solution is to set the time in Google Analytics after which BR will turn on after e.g. 30 seconds.
In summary, bounce rate is an important parameter, but it is not the only determinant of page value. Analyzing it, it is also worth looking at other parameters, e.g. dwell time and on the basis of complete data giving possible corrective actions.
To reduce your bounce rate, you can do a number of things. Before you start, however, you must do an analysis of your site. At the beginning it is worth to select subpages that actually have a high bounce rate and analyze why a low bounce rate is recorded. This can be due to various reasons for specific subpages, e.g. home page – too low frequency of adding new content; product card – non-intuitive purchase process, contact subpage – no further way forward.
Knowing what causes a high bounce rate, you can plan and implement specific actions to counteract it. There are many possibilities here and you must always adapt them to the individual situation of the site.
If you want to fight a high bounce rate, first of all you have to bet on 3 things. They significantly affect whether the site is friendly and attractive to the recipient.
– The first is good content, i.e. content placed on your website or blog.
– Another is to respond to users needs.
– The last is navigation intuitiveness.
If the first two points pose a problem with high bounce rates, then you need to correct the content and ensure better content. If the third point is a problem, then your site’s technical facilities will need to “fix”.
A. Simple and intuitive navigation
An Internet friendly website is the one on which it will be able to navigate simply and easily. It is worth remembering that what seems to be creative navigation for the creator, for the user can be an impulse to quickly leave the site and without getting acquainted with its content. The main menu, site map (larger websites), search engine, navigation buttons, call to action and other navigation elements should be designed so that the user does not think about the next step, but performs it automatically and moves to the next subpages.
B. Service readability
Even the best content or good quality product cannot be defended if it is presented carelessly. Lack of readability means that most Internet users leave the site faster than they appeared on it. So if you want to reduce the bounce rate, you should make sure that the content on the page is readable (large blocks of text are thrown away) – divided by headers, bulleted, bolded, written in clear font. Multimedia (movies and photos) should support the message. Readability is not only content, but also visual hierarchy, so-called whitespace (free space), consistent colors, adequate contrast, the right amount of information and CTA, consistent message delivery, detailing the most important information, e.g. purchase conditions.
In terms of page readability, it’s best to follow the KISS principle and remember that if the readability of the page is bad, all the rest doesn’t matter. It is also worth remembering that readability is closely related to design. And it’s not just about making the site look nice. Designing on a website should focus mainly on emphasizing the most important content, data, information, graphics and products.
C. Fast website loading
Today, nobody likes to wait – Internet users open their websites even more. You can check the page loading speed using Page Speed Insights. You should strive to make the tag as fast as possible, especially for mobiles devices. If the tool shows that the speed of the site is unsatisfactory, then you will need, among others image compression, reducing the number of scripts or using the browser cache.
D. Compliance of website content with promises
Do you promise the client that he will go to the site, where he will find his dream vacation in France, and when he enters the site, he gets a vacation in Bali? Most likely, this means that it will leave the website quickly and thus be included in the bounce rate. To avoid this, you should work on matching your landing pages to search engine and keyword search queries. It is also worth suggesting immediately alternative articles / products on similar subjects and give the user a chance to make the next move, not to leave the site immediately.
It is worth mentioning here that in the title and meta description of a subpage, content should not use phrases that are readily searched, but have little in common with the content on the subpage. Even if a customer enticed by finding out something that interests him, enters such a subpage, it is almost a 100% guarantee that he will leave it quickly.
E. A large amount of practical information
Very often the reason for leaving the website quickly, if it lacks the most important information for the user. To help him find them, it’s worth including
– create a FAQ subpage,
– make sure the product card contains current and most important product information; the use of generalities is not recommended;
– is the website lacking information on how to order a service / product, price list, directions.
F. CTA leading to subsequent events
The CTA buttons are intended to persuade the Internet user to perform further actions on the website and move to its next parts. They should be designed and arranged so as to create a clear and legible path, e.g. for product purchase, contact form, quote. Call to action on the site can appear in the form of buttons, banners or external links. It’s best to mark them with a different font color that will stand out from the rest of the texts. On a site without CTA, the user will have to look for subpages to which he must go in a given order. This lack of help may result in you leaving the site quickly.
G. Social evidence
One of the conditions for staying on the website by the Internet user is its credibility. If he finds that the site does not inspire trust, he will deny the content on it in advance and leave it quickly. To avoid a high bounce rate, it’s a good idea to social evidence. Thanks to this, users will be shown from a good side. References, opinions, reviews, customer photos are considered social evidence.
H. Lack of intrusive advertising and pop-ups
Pop-ups, video gadgets and consent messages can effectively discourage you from staying on the site for a long time. If at the very beginning the user is attacked by various messages and cannot reach the information he is looking for, he will quickly leave the page.
I. Responsive website
It would seem that today you do not need to talk
or remind anyone about responsiveness. However, it turns out that still many
sites are not adapted for mobiles devices. Meanwhile, much of the traffic comes
from them – on average 70%. The user who browses the pages on the phones will
almost certainly leave those that display incorrectly.
J. Accompanying events
There are subpages that naturally don’t generate
any further activity. These include, for example, a subpage with a blog article
or contact tabs. The user, finishing reading the article or checking the phones
number, closes the subpage and leaves the website. However, there are ways to
extend his presence on the site and encourage these activities. How to do it?
It is enough to attach accompanying events to a given subpage. Behind this
concept is, e.g. subscribing to the newsletter, completing the form / survey,
clicking on the phones number or reading the product cards.
K. Regularity of content
If you run a blog, regular delivery of new
content will affect your bounce rate. Most readers follow social media
entries and reach their destination from there. Permanently sharing and
redirecting to one and the same article means that the reader will quickly
leave the text he has already read. Providing up-to-date content is not just important
on a blog. If, for example, the data from the 2000 landing page is given, the
customer may be discouraged and look for fresh information.
Many bounce rates are awake at night. Taming him is often not as difficult as it seems. The ground is a good analysis of the reasons for high bounce rate. In some cases it may turn out that it is not a bad thing. However, when the bounce rate is high, it’s worth starting to act. And then verify if the actions bring results. This is best done using A / B testing. They consist of saving the bounce rate for a given page, then implementing change (one) and verifying whether the bounce rate has decreased.
]]>The demand for IT services and the relatively easy threshold for entering a semi-professional position (e.g. creating simple websites) creates a lot of competition. The Software House branch seems to be particularly crowded, with websites building websites and other solutions necessary for conducting online business such as b2b and b2c applications as well as integrations and modules for popular storage platforms or those related to relationship management, like sparrows on the roof. with clients. High competition means the need to invest more funds – financial and time – in working on standing out and reaching new potential customers more effectively than competitors in the industry.
Brand recognition and presence – regardless of the industry – is built using a whole set of tools. Depending on who our potential client is, the dominant channel will be social media (Facebook, Instagram, and for a younger recipient – also TikTok) or search engines. In the article below, we will focus on expanding your visibility in Google search engine and SEO for software house.
In the case of Software House, the website is not only a business card of the company, but for many potential recipients – the first project implementation in the company’s portfolio. If the site is unrepresentative, resistant and not adapted to modern standards. It’s not just about the look of the page, but more about how the page behaves in the browser, how web robots see it and, above all, whether it can be found in the search engine.
Why is presence in SERPs so important? Just look at the statistics – over 93% of online experience starts with a search engine. However, just finding yourself in search results for a topic thematically related to the industry is unfortunately not everything – the position of our website is also important. As the article indicated above – 95% of users decide to click on one of the first results, and the further from the first position, the chance of clicking decreases.
Achieving a high position requires not only adapting to trends in website design, but adapting your site to the rules of the game imposed by Google, which are to facilitate the use of the Internet to end users – men and women who may not always boast of the fastest internet connection on market.
A good position requires appropriate actions – technical optimization in accordance with Google guidelines, optimization for keywords. This is where space for seo appears – the basis for building position in the search engine.
Determining the measurable goal of marketing activities makes it much easier to analyze them – determining whether the goal has been met, which actions and solutions have worked, and in the case of less spectacular effects than intended, specifying what did not work as expected or which work should be deepened. Objectives will vary depending on the organization, while those that the Software House brand can achieve with the help of positioning certainly include:
A. Generating more website traffic – the increased number of search engine
visits usually translates directly into a larger number of people interested in
the offer and using the services offered.
B. Building brand and expert
position – Internet users usually have a better opinion about companies that
appear higher in search results, especially if their pages find answers to
their questions.
C. Obtaining interest of a specific
group of recipients.
Defining the goal will help you choose the means that will help you meet it. Drawing a destination is especially useful when creating a basic list of phrases that will be considered in the seo process. Determining the more or less defined “finish line” of positioning activities will also allow for the selection of appropriate solutions. This is also important because of the budget that the positioner will have during cooperation. More about this in the next steps.
With a set goal, you can pre-define a group of phrases to focus on during SEO.
Most people who decide to position with an SEO agency would like to see their site in Top3 for phrases from the so-called “Short tail,” i.e. one or two word constructions. These short phrases usually generate the most searches, which also makes them highly competitive. In many industries, despite a large number of searches, these types of terms do not convert very well. Short terms are usually too general and ambiguous to match the user’s search goal.
By generating results for the query “website” Google matches the responses related to the phrase, but each is from a “different fairy tale” and can differently meet the user’s need:
1st position – Wikipedia, definition;
2nd position – wizard;
3rd position – website price;
4th position – wizard;
5th position – guide on how to set
6th position – definition;
7th position – wizard;
8th position – creating pages;
9th position – creating pages;
10th position – creating pages;
By adapting to the specific needs of the user who is looking for information and addressing these needs in the title and description of the page, we increase the chances of getting to the top5 results and clicking the searcher. For this purpose, keywords from the so-called “Long tail” – phrases, consisting of several words, referring to more specific issues. These types of phrases can usually not boast a dizzying number of searches, but unlike phrases from a short tail – they usually convert much better.
By entering a more detailed query in the search engine, the customer can be immediately directed to the appropriate part of our offer – in this case, information on the costs of placing a website based on the WordPress system. The search results for this query also contain advisory content, e.g. blog entries dealing with price formation.
Product pages – with specific product specifications or longer content – usually have blog entries that address specific issues.
When choosing keywords for website positioning, it’s worth focusing on what makes your business stand out from the competition’s offer and use this knowledge. When working with a positioner, it is also worth referring to your experience and base phrases on what customers have asked about, e.g. prices of additional services, issues of removing faults on the site, or installing additional solutions.
It is worth remembering that the actual number of keywords that are positioned throughout the process is much higher. They include, among others phrases with a similar set of words but with a different arrangement. The scope of phrases during the contract can be changed – expanded to include words that will allow you to expand the visibility of the new offer or remove words that do not satisfactorily meet the objectives set at the beginning of SEO activities.
Determining the goal of selected marketing activities and determining keywords is just the beginning of the path to achieving results in the form of website traffic and new customers. The next stage is adapting the website to Google search engine guidelines.
Google provides several documents in which it indicates which elements should be noted. There are, among others, guidelines on how to share the site with web robots. Google also places great emphasis on adapting the site to the needs of the user – starting from the speed of the site, through navigation, to the intuitiveness of use. Among the elements important for the search engine are:
– blocking some content in robots.txt;
– creating valid title and meta
– creating headers according to the
– structured data tags;
– intuitive navigation;
– content;
– speed optimization
and other. At the beginning of the guide, Google calls these changes “minor modifications”, but this is not always true. Proper preparation of optimization, implementation and control of its effects is a task extended to the entire period in which seo-related activities are carried out.
Introducing guidelines only according to Google manuals is not always effective. The person who implements the optimization must also take into account the trends in the search engine and changes in the algorithm, which the Google guide has not yet been completed. Experience in this type of work also helps to gain high positions and increase visibility. The developer, whose task is primarily to build a website and give it appropriate functionality, devotes his time primarily to training in his field – searching for new CSC hacks or testing new libraries. The developer and positioner view the site from a different perspective. The task of one is to provide an aesthetic and functional website, the task of the other – to adapt it to display in high positions in search results. Working out optimal solutions satisfying both sides will certainly increase the reach of the site, i.e. achieve one of the intended goals.
During the seo process, it is important for software house parties to learn about the competition – the above-mentioned keywords, the technical solutions they use, e.g. the schema tags they use, to help expand search results.
However, watching the industry is not everything – it is also important to take care of your own site – first of all the speed and the way it is seen by network robots. The positioner, analyzing the data collected by a number of tools, will indicate solutions that allow you to speed up the website, without changing its functionality or appearance.
However, the introduction of optimization is just the beginning of the process of positioning your IT services. Control, analysis of introduced changes, their modification – “keeping an eye on the pulse” in accordance with the adopted strategy is the best way to gain and maintain high positions in Google in the IT industry.
One of the goals of positioning may be building an image of a software house company and placing it in the position of an expert. To this end, it is necessary to place a blog within the domain. Regular publication of expert content – written in a specialist language, but explaining the complexities of the IT world in a way accessible to a potential customer, is also a good way to update the site and “invite” robots. The entries may include descriptions of projects that the company has faced, creative problem solutions, reports from industry events and guide content on common problems with websites or applications.
Professional and interesting content readers are happy to pass on – through social media or by placing links to our site on their sites. This also creates a natural link profile that Google values. Content that is linked to more good quality links is rated higher by web robots and helps the site move to higher positions.
Building a valuable link profile is also taking care of the appropriate diversification of inbound links are another of the challenges that should be entrusted to seo specialists. Obtaining the appropriate links to the site from trusted and proven sources will allow you to complete the next steps on the way to achieving the goal set at the beginning.
Preparation of a positioning strategy requires delving into the industry and learning customer expectations. It is worth basing the selection of measures that are to help you to break above other Software Houses on the experience of search engine visibility specialists – which will allow you to achieve the intended effects faster.
Are you planning to take your Software House above the competition? On our blog you will find effective tactics and what changes to make that will convince web robots to highly evalsuate your website. Fight for high positions and successfully position with!