The shoe store from the example discussed entrusted us with its Google Ads campaigns and website positioning and has been with us for almost half a year – from December 2020. During the last months we have been working intensively, optimizing ads on Google, introducing changes on the website beneficial from the SEO point of view and expanding the profile links. The results of our specialists’ work are impressive. Let us briefly discuss the last 3 months of campaigning – here the changes take place so quickly that you can focus on a shorter period – and just over 5 months of positioning.
What can be achieved in Google Ads for three months? With our specialists – a lot. We managed to significantly increase the interest in the client’s ads, which translated into an increase in the number of clicks on the ad by over 300%! However, these are not empty, meaningless clicks – three months of regularly conducted optimization activities allowed to increase the number of conversions fourfold.
Increase by 332.99%
Despite the fact that the interest in the offer increased significantly and the client decided to entrust us with an additional advertising budget, the conversion cost did not increase, on the contrary – it fell by as much as 25%. This means that the fee for achieving the set advertising target has decreased by a quarter. This is an excellent result when the budget is significantly increased in a short time.
A decrease of 25.86%
The client’s decision to increase advertising spending has opened up new optimization opportunities for us – it is no secret that the larger the budget, the more data for self-learning advertising algorithms. Since campaigns have been running for several months, we already had a lot of information about them, which we used to get even more from the ads. The man-machine duo played in perfect harmony, and this allowed us to increase our campaign revenue by over $ 200,000 (an increase of 328.94%).
Optimizing ads resulted in an increase in ROAS, i.e. the return on investment in campaigns. Three months ago, for every dollar spent on advertising, a customer made about $ 7.50 in revenue. Now every dollar brings him $ 8.50, but we are still fighting for even better results.
We started in SEO almost from scratch. When the client entrusted us with taking care of the website, he didn’t have any TOP3 or TOP10 phrases, and there were just over 50 phrases in the TOP50. His site’s visibility was very low compared to competitors’ sites. So we conducted a detailed audit and identified the biggest errors on the website and areas with unused SEO potential. We took up purely technical corrections, selecting the best key phrases and improving the link profile.
Positioning is a marathon, not a sprint, and it will be a while before we achieve the goals we set together with the client. After less than six months of activities, we are happy to see the first effects of our work. The client has the first phrase in TOP3, and we managed to enter 150 phrases into the TOP10, which is a great result in such a competitive industry.
The spectacular increase is also visible in the TOP50 – here we already have over 3,000 phrases. This means that their number has increased sixty-fold since December 2020.
Of course, each customer is a story, and it is not possible to guarantee identical results for every brand in the industry. The return on advertising and the increase in visibility due to positioning are a component of various factors. They are influenced by the age and history of the domain, budget for advertising campaigns, the number of changes to the website and many, many other aspects. One thing is certain, however – the combination of customer knowledge about their products or services with our knowledge of online marketing can bring great results – that’s why successful cooperation is the basis of every success.
]]>Striving to occupy the highest possible search results for specific phrases is a real chance to expand the interest in the offer among new users. It is enough to look at the statistics prepared by Team – over 43% of Internet users click on the link in the first place, over 37% of recipients click on the link from the second position, and with each lower position the click-through rate decreases – only 3% of users are interested in the link in the last position.
The user arrives at the website based on individual keywords or entire phrases entered into the search field. Therefore, the choice of phrases is one of the main aspects of SEO. It is with their help that the Internet user determines his needs, counting on precise feedback from Google.
You – as the website owner – must understand the user’s expectations. This will allow you to choose the right keywords – those that can be used by your potential recipient. However, you should not focus only on the main and very general phrases – they are very popular, as a result of which it is difficult to “stand out”, and besides, they usually do not allow you to reach users who are actually interested in the offer. Effect? You may notice an increased number of visits to the website, but the conversion will be low. And yet you care about generating traffic that translates into high sales, right?
Keywords can be divided into several categories:
– brand phrases – related directly to the company or a specific product that the user is looking for, e.g. Rolex watches,
– local phrases – relating to the company, industry, locations, e.g. Miami dentist, dog hairdresser in Las Vegas,
– long tail phrases – not appreciated by everyone yet, but they have great opportunities; are especially recommended for the e-commerce industry, because they allow you to narrow the field of search, e.g. quilted autumn jacket without a hood,
– guide phrases – reflect the queries entered by the user; are recommended primarily in articles published on the blog, e.g. what cosmetic treatments for pregnant women, what book for a gift for a teenager.
Do you know the types of phrases and what’s next? How do you know which of them have high potential and which are completely let go? If you care about effective positioning, you cannot rely solely on your intuition. Public tools can help you choose the right keywords.
Google Keyword Planner
The Google Keyword Planner is one of the most popular phrase selection tools. Although it is ultimately used to plan Google Ads advertising campaigns, it also supports activities related to positioning. With this tool, you can search for phrases with potential, and analyze them, taking into account the frequency of searches or competitiveness.
Answer The Public
It is a tool that allows you to search not only for popular phrases, but also related queries entered into the search engine. Thanks to this, you can reach not only the main keywords, but also the long tail phrases and tip phrases.
You can also search for keywords using paid (more advanced) tools. The keyword database available in them allows you to find specific phrases with high potential. You get not only a list of words, but also information about the average number of monthly searches, trends, and seasonality. There are also phrases in the form of questions, dependent words, and even word groups. Thanks to such extensive functionality, you have a chance to create an appropriate set of keywords.
If you want to perform effective SEO, you need to know the health of your
website. Why? For a website to be
liked by Google robots, it should meet their expectations in terms of many
aspects. These include such issues
– proper construction,
– speed of operation,
– user-friendliness,
– content,
– correct link profile.
An SEO audit is an introduction to positioning that will allow you to create a specific action plan that increases the likelihood of being in the top positions in search results.
There are several necessary elements that should form the basis of the audit. These include information on:
– website construction,
– site speed,
– indexing options by Google robots,
– the correctness of the website code,
– content analysis – also in terms of duplicates,
– competition analysis,
– keyword analysis,
– link profile.
A properly conducted website audit and the implementation of the changes recommended by it will help to increase:
– site visibility,
– movement within it,
– sales potential.
This means that you will get even more benefits from it than just positioning support. There is only one condition – it must be carried out reliably, preferably by industry experts. Specialists know what elements should be especially paid attention to in order to get as close to the operation of Google algorithms as possible.
The results of the audit are an excellent and huge source of knowledge about the condition of the website and how to position the website. They are the starting point for further activities – first of all within the site itself. Here are some important aspects.
Correct internal navigation
The website must be friendly to both users and Google robots. An important role here is played by e.g. appropriate internal navigation – so that every visitor can easily reach the right place.
As part of the positioning activities, all activities aimed at improving internal navigation should therefore be carried out. This is what reflects the correct website architecture.
The most important element is the website menu with the most important main tabs. They should direct to individual subpages – categories, and they, in turn – to subcategories, etc.
If you want to check if the website architecture is correct, check it using the so-called 3-click rule. This means that a user wishing to reach the selected place should only make 3 mouse clicks. Of course, this rule will not apply to very complex websites or e-shops. However, it is worth thinking about building such an architecture that will require the least number of clicks from the Internet user.
Correctness of URLs
As part of the activities related to positioning, it is worth checking and – if necessary – modifying the URLs. Changes must be made with Google in mind, so they should be easy to remember, clear to navigate, readable, containing keywords, as short as possible.
Creation of correct metadata
The right meta title and description structure will help generate more traffic on the website. Therefore, it is worth remembering not only to supplement these elements, but also to ensure their correctness – not only in the context of placing the appropriate keywords.
Title should be between 60-70 characters. Make sure it responds to the question you are asking, while attracting attention and encouraging you to click.
The description length changes from time to time, so it’s best to stick to around 160 characters. The description should confirm the accuracy of the meta title – it should be constructed in such a way that it includes a CTA.
Content optimization
The content posted on the website plays a huge role, so it should be properly optimized. The basis is to supplement the content with selected keywords – but with naturalness. The text must be saturated with phrases, but in such a way that it is still easy to read.
The next step is to remove duplicate content – all that already appear in search results on other websites. Duplicate content is one of the elements that can significantly lower the position of a site in search results.
Remember that the content is not only texts, but also graphics. And it should be optimized – described with the ALT and title attribute. Also pay attention to the size of the photos – if they are too large, they will slow down the page loading speed.
Improving page loading speed
Internet users do not like to wait, so they immediately abandon slow-loading pages. If you do not want such a fate to befall your site, take care of the optimal page loading speed. You will not only score in the eyes of users, but also Google. The time in which the website content is loaded not only affects the higher position in the search results, but also … higher conversion.
If the audit indicated the need to improve the page loading speed, this should be changed. For this purpose, you can, for example, reduce server consumption, optimize images, remove unnecessary elements on the page, update themes and plugins, reduce the number of redirects.
Expanding the website content
Adding more subpages filled with content is a chance to naturally weave keywords and carry out internal linking. So think about expanding your site with new subcategories, and start a blog (if you don’t have one).
If you want to strengthen the position of a website in search results, you cannot focus solely on activities within the website. You have to “go outside” – in order to improve your authority, strengthen your image on the web and… build a natural link profile of the website.
Unify corporate data
If your company details are published on different business card pages, check that they are correct. Keep it up-to-date to help build greater trust and improve credibility.
Completing online business cards
It is worth getting to know the users – it is enough to fill in the information in the online business cards. The necessity is, among others presence in Google My Business. A free profile helps you connect with customers in both search and Google Maps.
You should also make sure that existing customers leave feedback about your company. The more positive, the greater the trust. This will directly help in increasing the traffic to the website, and this in turn will aid positioning.
Publishing expert articles on industry portals
The image of an expert helps to rise to higher positions in search results, so it is worth ensuring the publication of articles on industry websites. However, these cannot be typical advertising texts, and articles with added value for the reader – it is about dispelling doubts, presenting new opportunities, etc.
Publishing sponsored articles
Sponsored articles are content published for a fee. This does not mean that they can constitute intrusive advertising and presentation of own services / products. If they are to attract the reader’s attention and encourage him to visit the website, they should provide a solution to a given problem, etc. How-to articles that present specific knowledge and clear tips useful to the user are great for this role.
Remember! The website for publication should be selected in terms of your target group. If you only operate locally, then focus on such portals.
How to position your website without worrying about tomorrow? If you intend to improve the website’s position in the search results and you want to stay at the top of the search results for a long time, do not resort to unethical practices. Act in accordance with Google’s guidelines, because only this will bring the expected results. Build pages with people in mind, not just results.
Follow the White Hat SEO principles, which include aspects such as:
– adapting the website to the needs of recipients,
– improving user experience (so-called User Experience),
– constant expansion of content,
– obtaining external links in a natural or non-invasive way.
Remember! Currently, what matters to Google is the well-being of the user. Therefore, in all activities related to positioning, bear in mind your target group. Thanks to this, you will increase the chance of higher positions in search results and minimize the risk of applying filters to your website.
Are you wondering how to position your website: on your own or with the agency’s support? There is no one-size-fits-all answer because it all depends on several factors. The most important thing is the current knowledge and experience – you need to know what actions to take in order to gain higher and higher positions in search results step by step.
A common mistake are attempts at self positioning by people who do not have much knowledge. Just “touching” the topic does not help much – because working out high positions in Google is not only about supplementing the content with keywords. The whole process is multi-stage and long-term – taking into account the changing Google algorithms.
Of course, a lot also depends on which agency you are going to cooperate with. In this case, you cannot be guided solely by the price. Consider, among others such issues as: knowledge, experience, the effects of campaigns implemented so far, opinions of other companies, and even provisions in contracts.
]]>It’s best to use methods that have proven themselves many times. Of course, you can rely on momentary inspiration, dazzle or a rush of ingenuity, but if you want to achieve consistently good results, bet on what just works.
Persuasion in sales copywriting boils down to the use of proven principles. Copywriters who are convincing know how to appeal to specific human desires and needs. Their understanding and ability to use this in the texts will allow you to increase the effectiveness of your messages, i.e. the strength of their persuasion. But what are the rules of knowledge? Let me explain!
This rule says that people are more willing to buy a product that is (or will be soon) short of. This means that the value of a given item increases as its availability decreases. Some products are bought because of their usability, appearance or capabilities, and others because of their uniqueness.
Sales copywriting uses this dependence for a long time and in various forms. See how you can increase the value of your product or service in the eyes of customers, guided by the principle of shortage.
A. Quantity
“Limited Edition”,
“Collector’s Edition” – these are messages whose limitation refers to
quantity. They work great in B2C sales. It is used by footwear and clothing brands, producing children’s toys
and many others.
200 pairs of limited edition XYZ fluorescent shoes will go on sale on Friday!”
B. Time
In the context of this limit,
products are sold within a specified time frame. This can
be seen great on the online course market. The authors,
long before opening sales, intensively promote their product, then opening its
sale for only a few days or a week. Time pressure makes
people make purchasing decisions faster – they are aware that the offer is not
What do these messages look like? Maybe you associate
mailings like:
2 hours! We are closing the sale of the XYZ course in a
moment ”
C. Threat
If you do not take specific action,
the existing privilege or convenience will disappear. This
method may be associated with a shortage of time, but here it is about
permanently depriving the recipient of a specific opportunity – this is the
basis of the message, not the deadline. See:
“The plan to close the local confectionery factory is due to the low number of visitors. So take your toddler there or lose this opportunity! “
D. Targeting
The product or service is directed to a selected,
specific group of customers. These may be people who have
previously bought a specific item and now you would like to sell them something
else. It is worth pointing out that the offer is only
available to them because, for example, they have fulfilled certain conditions.
“How is your new coffee machine working? Because as one of the few customers you bought it online from us, you can get coffee capsules 50% cheaper! “
E. Invitation
The service is available only to
people who will be invited, e.g. by one of the current users. This not only builds the impression of inaccessibility and
exclusivity, but also increases curiosesity.
“Our new functionality is currently only available in beta. You must receive an invitation with a link to access it. “
From a psychological point of view, the shortage principle used in sales copywriting is effective because it is based on the loss of some opportunity and fear of regret.
If a product is available all the time, the customer feels confident and at ease – he knows that he can buy it at any time. He has the freedom to choose whether he will do it now or in a week. However, when you suddenly limit its availability, the customer loses this opportunity and reacts against this change by buying a product.
At the same time, people have a strong fear of regret, that is, they are afraid that if they do not buy the product now, when they have the opportunity, then they will regret it. If this fear is strong enough, it is easier for them to spend money – they treat this investment as a form of security.
When using the principle of shortage in your copywriting, remember to do it properly. If you want it to work in favor of your offer, you must use it in a thoughtful way. Below are three basic rules that you need to keep in mind.
– Deficiency should not be the main advantage / value of the offer – it’s
just an add-on that strengthens the basic message,
– If you produce something
massively and at the same time try to support sales, e.g. with the slogan
“limited collection”, do not count on spectacular effects. Similarly with discounts: if the same “Last sale days”
banners have been hanging from store display cabinets for several weeks, people
will quickly stop believing in this sale. Your message
must be consistent with what you really do,
– Not every product / service can
or should be promoted with the support of the shortage principle. The sales model for everyone, without any quantitative or temporal
restrictions is also appropriate. Which path you choose
depends on the overall brand strategy and the campaign.
We buy more willingly than those we like. Among other things, this is why well-known actors, singers and popular Youtubers appear so often in commercials. People are more likely to follow the directions of the people they identify with, who are familiar, have similar views or are a role model or authority for them.
How can a copywriter use the crush principle as a form of persuasion? After all, he does not meet his recipients face to face. Only words are available. Or maybe a word?
Usually, sales texts focus immediately on the benefits of purchasing a given product or service. However, if you want to arouse sympathy at the beginning, you can start the content with a skillfully written compliment. See an example:
“If you work remotely, you know perfectly well that it doesn’t mean all day in bed with a laptop on your lap. If you work effectively, you probably already have a great time management or avoid distractions. To make 100% remote work you need to solve only one problem … “
Such an introduction shows that you understand the situation of the recipient, identify with him and at the same time appreciate how much he has achieved on his own. In this way, as a copywriter, you will find a common language with the reader from the very beginning, thanks to which he will be more eager to find out what you have to say to him.
The principle of sympathy, like any technique, must be used skillfully. Its foundation is proper knowledge of the recipient – his needs, everyday life and expectations. It will be difficult for you to create an effective text if you set too broad a target group. The narrower it gets, the easier it will be to personalize your message.
Copywriters very often focus only on the benefits and benefits of the products or services they describe. They try to show them in superlatives, which often creates a seemingly unreal image of the offer. Because are there ideal things? They may exist, but people rarely believe in them – especially when they have to buy something.
Much faster and easier you will gain the trust of the recipient and arouse credibility when you also write about the disadvantages of your product or service. In this way you can also position it for specific clients.
Someone is looking for the cheapest solution and you offer it, but at the same time there is a doubt about quality? Explain to the customer what the lower price is for.
“Our product is cheaper because we gave up several functions almost unused by customers, and instead we focused on refining key functionalities. Thanks to this we have obtained optimal quality in relation to the price. “
Why is such a description more effective? Because it contains a logical explanation and at the same time an assurance that the basic functionalities (i.e., most likely the reason why the customer wants to buy it when it comes to the bottom price shelf) will work flawlessly.
By accessing websites you can find many terms saying:
“You will achieve
success with us”
“We respond quickly to any
Do you know what connects them? That they actually say nothing and do not inform about anything. Because what does “success” or “quickly ” mean? Probably something different for everyone. General statements and assurances do not sound credible and poorly sell, because the recipient does not see in them specific values for themselves and their business.
By adding specific information, you can easily increase the persuasive power of your messages:
“With us you will
increase your revenue by up to 30% in 6 months”
“We respond to all requests within
24 hours”
Do you see the difference? Which message would inspire your trust faster? Similarly with the customer – specific information increases the credibility of the content.
Do you remember that people are more eager to buy from the ones they like? But not only from them. They value and are ready to succumb to the suggestions of those whom they consider to be experts in a given industry.
Therefore, use authority as an argument. Include in your texts expert statements (e.g. scientists in a given field), links to research or statistics. Make sure that the information you provide is well-founded.
Remember that the authority you refer to is to be an authority primarily for the recipients, it does not necessarily have to be for you. Ads very often use images of teenage stars to promote cosmetics for young girls. Of course, actresses usually have no idea if the compositions of these products are good and they themselves, e.g. pleasant to use, because they do not use them.
However, the involvement of female fans is so great that it is enough to remove their pretty face with a given cosmetic and a short description to convince the girls to buy. This is an excellent way to show how persuasive authority can be, even unjustified.
The above techniques will help you relatively easily increase the effectiveness of your sales copywriting. You don’t have to use all of them – at first, get to know your target group well, then think about which methods will be most effective in your case. Often more is not better.